Hearing Loss
Five reasons to address your hearing loss if you haven’t already
(ARA) – If you’re having problems hearing but haven’t yet done anything to address them, you’re not alone. Every day people put off getting help for hearing loss for a number of reasons that range from not wanting to show signs of vulnerability to being fearful of having to wear a bulky hearing aid. While these reasons are understandable, the benefits of getting hearing help far outweigh the reasons for avoiding seeing a hearing specialist.
This is especially true when you take into account that hearing aids are more discreet than they’ve ever been – some can even be considered invisible. This makes it easy for someone to correct hearing loss without experiencing the discomfort or self-consciousness often associated with hearing aids.
If you’re experiencing trouble hearing, here are five reasons to get help and visit a hearing care professional:
1. Increase your financial growth opportunity. If you have untreated hearing loss, there’s a good chance you aren’t reaching your full potential in the workplace, as you may be missing important items in conversation or unconsciously withdrawing yourself from your duties. Correcting hearing problems can allow you to perform your job to the best of your ability.
2. Improve your social life. Whether you know it or not, hearing problems can cause you to communicate ineffectively with others, which can hinder relationship building. It may also cause you to decide not to participate in activities or social gatherings as you otherwise would.
3. Improve your relationship with your family. Communication is even more important in the intimate relationships you maintain with family members. When communication is interrupted by hearing loss, it can weaken those relationships without the intention of doing so. Hearing loss can affect the subtle communication that is so important to maintaining a strong bond with your loved ones.
4. Today’s hearing aids are no longer obtrusive. For example, U.S. hearing technology company Starkey offers invisible hearing aids that are worn deep in the ear canal or are hidden behind your ear.
5. Hearing aids work better than ever. Today’s hearing aids address the most common concerns of wearers, including virtually eliminating feedback (buzzing and whistling) and providing noise management technology that identifies and preserves speech even in the noisiest environments. Volume control has also become more sophisticated, so you don’t have to constantly make adjustment based on your environment. Finally, some hearing aids can connect directly with the media devices in your home including TV, MP3 player or stereo.
When you get help for your hearing problem, you have the potential to improve your life in ways you may have never imagined. With the right hearing aid and treatment, you can improve the way you communicate, which can help you reach your full potential and improve your relationships with those who are important to you. The first step is to visit a hearing care professional to find out what course of action is right for you.
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