Physicians NJ I Flaxseed and flax seed oil beneficial for heart disease
by Rosa Parks for
What is Flax seed oil?
Flax seed oil and flax seeds are being rediscovered as true health foods. They definitely merit being included on any top-ten list of foods that are good for you. Flax is not a new food. It is actually one of the older and, perhaps, one of the original “health foods,” treasured because of its healing properties throughout the Roman empire. Flax was one of the original “medicines” used by Hippocrates. Flax could be dubbed the “forgotten oil.” It has fallen out of favor because oil manufacturers have found nutritious oils to be less profitable. The very nutrients that give flax its nutritional benefits – essential fatty acids – also give it a short shelf life, making it more expensive to produce, transport, and store. Yet, those who are nutritionally in the know continue to rank flax high on the list of “must have” foods. Because of the flurry of scientific studies validating the health benefits of omega 3 fatty acids, flax oil has graduated from the refrigerator of “health food nuts” to a status of scientific respectability.
Flax Seed Oil is used throughout the world for food, medicine, and fiber to make clothes, and many other consumer goods products. Historically, Flax Seed Oil has been used to treat a number of conditions including heart disease and has been used as an anti-inflammatory agent to treat a number of other conditions as well.
In addition to nutritious fats, Flax oil contain other nutrients which make eating the whole seed superior to consuming just the extracted oil:
Flax oil contain a high quality protein. Flax oil are rich in soluble fiber. The combination of the oil and the fiber makes flaxseeds an ideal laxative. Flax oil contain vitamins B-1, B-2, C, E, and carotene. These seeds also contain iron, zinc, and trace amounts of potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, and vitamin E and carotene, two nutrients which aid the metabolism of the oil.
Flax Seed Oil Facts
The flax plant, an ancient crop, yields the fiber from which linen is woven, as well as seeds and oil. Flax Seed Oil also comes in an edible form, sold mostly at health-food stores. Like olive, canola, and most other plant oils, it is highly unsaturated and heart-healthy. And flaxseeds have yet another very interesting componentlingam which may have anti-cancer properties.
Benefits of including some Flax seed in your Diet
Flax seed oil contains lignans, which can be used to counter hormone related problems and ward off the ill effects of certain, bacteria and fungi. Studies, which have been conducted show that the health benefits of flaxseed oil are extensive. It controls high blood pressure, helps to lower cholesterol and guards against heart disease. Flaxseed oil also protects against angina and could prevent a second heart attack.
Flax Seed Oil has some estrogen-like effects and also possible anti-estrogenic
effects, both of which have been studied for possible protection against certain
types of breast and prostate cancers. However, when these effects were tested in
several laboratory studies and a few human studies, the results were
inconclusive. In some of the studies, Flax Seed Oil products appeared to prevent
or delay cancer, while in other research the incidence andprogression of cancer seemed to be increased. Additional studies are underway to assess further the effects of flaxseed and Flax Seed Oil on breast and prostate cancers and on menopausal symptoms.
Flax Seed Benefit recovers time for fatigued muscles after exertion and increases the body’s production of energy and stamina. Flax Seed improves the absorption of Calcium, strengthening of fingers and toenails as well as an improved eyesight and perception of colors.
The seeds and oil of the flax plant contain substances which promote good health. Flaxseed and flaxseed oil are rich in alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), an essential fatty acid that appears to be beneficial for heart disease. ALA belongs to a group of substances called omega-3 fatty acids. Counter inflammation associated with lupus and gout. Omega-3 fatty acids appear to limit the inflammatory reaction associated with these conditions. In cases of lupus, flaxseed oil not only reduces inflammation in the joints, kidneys and skin, but also lowers cholesterol levels that may be elevated by the disease. Taking flaxseed oil for gout may lessen the often sudden and severe joint pain or swelling that is a symptom of this condition.