Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital is offering Free Screening Mammograms

RWJ Hospital is offering free screening mammograms through a generous grand from Susan G. Komen for the cure.


Visit for and:


1. Print and fill out all the information requested on the voucher.


2. Obtain a prescription for a screening mammogram from your doctor. (If you do not have a doctor, visit


3. Call 800-758-5545 to make an appointment for your free screening mammogram. Let the scheduler know that you are not insured and will be covered under a Susan G. Komen grant.


4. On the day of your appointment, bring the voucher, prescription and any previous mammogram films to: University Radiology at Robert Wood Johnson, 10 Plum Street, 3rd Floor, New Brunswick, NJ

This program is available to patients who are uninsured or underinsured through a generous grant from The Central and South Jersey Affiliate of Susan G. Komen for the Cure. You must qualify for Charity Care.

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